Helping Corporations use Sustainability as a Business Catalyst


Cost+risk mitigation through environmental data driven initiatives

You can’t improve what you don’t measure. The same applies to environmental costs and risk.

Decoding Sustainability specializes in

  • Developing/implementing corporate-wide environmental data collection processes for EHS Directors and Managers

  • Providing administrator level management of excel and cloud-based sustainability data management solutions such as UL Pure and CloudApps

  • Managing corporate-wide data collection, reporting and third-party assurance processes


take on global expectations around climate change

The climate is changing as are expectations of customers and governments.

Decoding Sustainability specializes in

  • Empowering responsible roles to act by providing the gambit of expectations, anticipated government action, and business opportunities

  • Supporting development of climate strategic plans, policy statements and actionable initiatives such as RE100 and Science-based Targets


increase positive branding in media and investor outlooks

Be on the right side of the ESG investment trade and B2C and B2B expectations of their suppliers.

Decoding Sustainability specializes in

  • Efficient management of media and investor disclosures such as:

    • RobecoSAM’s Dow Jones Sustainability Index

    • CDP Climate Change and Water Security

    • MSCI, S&P Global, Vigeo Eiris (Moody’s), Sustainalytics, oekom research

    • CR’s Global 100, RE100


build on the benefits of green Buildings

Buildings impact employee productivity and operating costs - investing in green buildings supports profit margins.

decoding sustainability specializes in

  • Evaluating existing building status against LEED O+M expectations

  • Guiding corporations through the LEED certification process.